蘋果 iOS 15.0.1 正式版發布,仍有 3 個零日漏洞未修補

蘋果公司最新的 iOS 15.0.1 更新不包含 3 個零日漏洞的補丁,這 3 個零日漏洞是研究人員在幾個月前報告給蘋果的,並在上周公開披露 … Tokarev 在3月10日至 5 月 4 日期間向蘋果公司報告了四個漏洞,雖然一個問題在iOS14.7中得到了修補,但其他三個問題在最新的iOS 15.0.1中仍然有效 … 本周早些時候,研究人員 Bobby Rauch 公開披露了一個AirTag漏洞,此前蘋果公司沒有回答關於該漏洞的基本問題,也沒有回答Rauch是否會因發現該漏洞而得到獎勵。

21-10-02 鳳凰科技: 蘋果iOS 15.0.1正式版發布 仍有3個零日漏洞未修補
21-10-02 鳳凰科技: 蘋果iOS 15.0.1正式版發布 已修復iPhone鎖屏繞過漏洞
21-10-01 CNBeta: 蘋果發布iOS 15.0.1版本 解決Apple Watch解鎖問題和其他錯誤修正
21-10-02 鳳凰科技: iOS 15.0.1發布 修復Apple Watch解鎖iPhone 13問題
21-10-02 品玩: iOS15.1正式推送,修復無法使用Apple Watch解鎖等問題
21-10-01 AppleInsider: Apple fails to patch publicly disclosed zero-day flaws with iOS 15.0.1
21-10-01 AppleInsider: Apple patched an iOS lock screen bypass without crediting its Discovery
21-10-01 Mac Rumors: Apple Releases iOS 15.0.1 With Fix for Apple Watch Unlocking Bug on iPhone 13 Model S
21-10-01 9to5Mac: Apple releases iOS 15.0.1 with ‘Apple Watch Unlock’ fix on iPhone 13 and more
21-10-01 AppleInsider: Apple releases iOS 15.0.1 with Apple Watch Unlock, other bug fixes
21-10-01 SlashGear: iOS 15.0.1 released with fix for iPhone unlock with Apple Watch
21-10-01 Phone Arena: iOS 15.0.1 fixes the iPhone 13’s Big Apple Watch unlock bug (and more)
21-10-01 Engadget: iOS 15 update to fix Apple Watch unlock bug is here
21-10-01 TechCrunch: iOS 15 update to fix Apple Watch unlock bug is here
21-10-01 Gizmodo: iOS 15’s Annoying Apple Watch Unlock Bug Is Fixed

21-10-02 蘋果 iOS 15.0.1 正式版發布,仍有 3 個零日漏洞未修補
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