蘋果將選擇在中國生產 AirPods 3

據 MacRumors 報道,此前蘋果曾計劃將 AirPods 耳機的部分生產線轉移至越南,並計劃在當地生產 AirPods 3 … 據報道,蘋果將開始在中國批量生產最新的 AirPods 耳機,而不是按照之前的計劃在越南生產 … 蘋果計劃在越南生產部分 MacBook 和 iPad 的計劃也被暫時擱置。

21-08-18 品玩: 蘋果將選擇在中國生產 AirPods 3
21-08-18 Mac Rumors: Apple Producing AirPods 3 in China Instead of Vietnam Due to Pandemic Disruption
21-08-18 iMore: COVID disrupts Apple supply plans for new AirPods, says report
21-08-18 9to5Mac: report: Apple supply chain plans to Move production from China to Vietnam ‘on hold’ due to COVID disruptions

21-08-18 蘋果將選擇在中國生產 AirPods 3
21-05-31 蘇泊爾:公司越南基地已做好防疫措施
21-01-27 消息稱蘋果將更多iPhone、iPad的產能轉移到印度和越南
20-11-26 富士康:應蘋果要求,將部分iPad和MacBook生產線從中國轉移至越南
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