
谷歌將為全球18歲以下的用戶關閉追蹤位置數據的“位置歷史記錄”功能 … 進一步擴大“年齡敏感”廣告(對18歲以下用戶屏蔽)的類型,並為18歲以下的用戶打開安全搜索過濾器 … 未來,谷歌將為所有 18 歲以下的青少年及其父母或監護人引入一項新政策:從谷歌圖片搜索結果中刪除年輕人的圖片。

21-08-10 品玩: 谷歌宣布不允許廣告商追蹤18歲以下用戶
21-08-10 鳳凰科技: 谷歌宣布不允許廣告商追蹤18歲以下用戶
21-08-10 The Verge: Google restricts ad targeting of minors and will delist photos of kids at their request
21-08-10 The New York Times: Google will add privacy steps for teenagers on its search engine and YouTube.
21-08-10 TechCrunch: Google to introduce increased protections for minors on its platform, including Search, YouTube and more
21-08-10 Engadget: Google’s new safety measures are designed to protect kids on YouTube, Search and more
21-08-10 9to5Google: Google’s new safety measures for kids include image removals, will enable SafeSearch for existing accounts
21-08-10 Business Insider: Google will block ad targeting based on users’ age and gender as Tech giants Face mounting pressure to protect minors
21-08-10 Mashable: Google will make it easier for kids and teens to remove photos from Google Search
21-08-10 Neowin: Google will turn on SafeSearch by default for people under 18
21-08-10 SlashGear: Google reveals new tools and big changes to help protect kids online
21-08-10 Phone Arena: Google makes its Apps safer and more private for teens and pre-teens

21-08-10 谷歌宣布不允許廣告商追蹤18歲以下用戶
19-08-28 YouTube將為兒童設立獨立網站,應對不良視頻爭議
19-08-25 為保護未成年人,YouTube將刪除不良視頻
19-08-21 YouTube將在兒童視頻中停止播放個性化廣告
19-07-20 FTC 與谷歌達成和解:結束對 YouTube 侵犯兒童隱私調查

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