
據外媒報道,蘋果將於6月15日開始向全球用戶提供播客Podcasts付費訂閱服務 … 今年4月,蘋果在活動中宣布5月起推出播客的付費訂閱版本,該服務將在全球170個國家和地區推出 … 據介紹,Podcasts付費訂閱模式下,用戶可以直接向創作者付款並獲得無廣告收聽體驗。

21-06-09 鈦媒體: 蘋果將於6月15日推出播客付費訂閱服務,每年19.99美元
21-06-09 Mac Rumors: Apple Podcasts Subscriptions Launching on June 15
21-06-09 The Verge: Apple Podcasts says it’ll launch in-App subscriptions globally on June 15th
21-06-09 9to5Mac: Apple Podcasts Subscriptions platform officially launching on June 15
21-06-09 AppleInsider: Apple Podcast subscriptions & channels launching globally on June 15
21-06-09 Gizmodo: Apple is Finally Launching In-App Podcast Subscriptions
21-06-09 Engadget: Apple will reportedly open paid Podcasts subscriptions on June 15th
21-06-09 iMore: Apple Podcasts Subscriptions will officially launch on June 15
21-06-09 Neowin: Apple to reportedly launch Podcasts subscriptions on June 15 worldwide

21-06-09 蘋果將於6月15日推出播客付費訂閱服務,每年19.99美元
21-04-20 蘋果宣布播客服務Podcasts訂閱將收費
21-01-17 蘋果計劃推出播客訂閱服務
20-11-08 蘋果和索尼均就收購播客Wondery展開談判
20-11-06 蘋果和索尼討論競購播客Wondery

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