蘋果員工要求調查僱用前FB廣告經理一事 因其曾發表“厭惡女性的言論”

一群蘋果員工要求對最近僱用前Facebook廣告經理Antonio Garcia Martinez一事進行調查,理由是擔心他發表的“厭惡女性的言論” … 根據這些員工簽署的一份請願書,聘用 Garcia Martinez一事讓人質疑我們蘋果公司的包容性制度,包括招聘小組、背景調查,以及我們確保現有的包容性文化足以抵禦那些不認同我們包容性價值觀的人的程序 … 他在自傳中發表的厭惡女性的言論–例如 “灣區的大多數女性都是軟弱的,儘管她們聲稱自己很世故,但還是嬌慣和天真,總之是滿口謊言。

21-05-12 鳳凰科技: 蘋果員工要求調查僱用前FB廣告經理一事 因其曾發表“厭惡女性的言論”
21-05-12 The Verge: Apple employees circulate petition demanding investigation into ‘misogynistic’ new hire
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21-05-12 AppleInsider: Apple staffers demand investigation into recent ‘misogynistic’ hire
21-05-12 Gizmodo: Apple Employees Petition New Hire Over Views on Women, People of color
21-05-12 Business Insider: Apple employees speak publicly about recent hire WHO called women in Silicon Valley ‘soft and weak’ and ‘full of s–t’
21-05-12 The Verge: ‘Misogynistic’ Apple hire is out hours after employees call for investigation
21-05-12 AppleInsider: Apple reportedly fires Antonio Garcia Martinez after employee backlash

21-05-12 蘋果員工要求調查僱用前FB廣告經理一事 因其曾發表“厭惡女性的言論”
18-04-03 Apple Says It Pays Women Less on Average in the UK
17-11-09 蘋果發布年度多樣性報告 女性與非白人員工均增長2%

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