
藍牙防丟器製造商Tile近期與亞馬遜達成合作,將利用亞馬遜Echo系列產品的“Sidewalk”網絡,與蘋果公司推出的AirTag展開競爭 … 亞馬遜聲稱Sidewalk是安全的,在網絡上共享的數據受到三層加密的保護 … 多個Echo設備的用戶將能夠更快地找到丟失在家裡的Tile產品,Alexa語音助手會告訴用戶哪個Echo設備最接近丟失的Tile。

21-05-07 創業邦: Tile跟亞馬遜合作,藉助Sidewalk網絡對抗蘋果AirTag
21-05-07 Mac Rumors: Tile to Leverage Amazon Echo and Ring Devices to Better Compete With AirTags
21-05-07 CNBC: Amazon partners with Tile to take on Apple AirTags
21-05-07 SlashGear: Tile and Level add Amazon Sidewalk support for neighborhood networks
21-05-07 The Verge: Tile’s trackers will Work with Amazon’s Sidewalk network starting June 14th
21-05-07 AppleInsider: Amazon partners with Tile to compete with Apple AirTag
21-05-07 Gizmodo: Stop Pretending Apple and Amazon’s Bluetooth networks Can’t Be Abused

21-05-07 Tile跟亞馬遜合作,藉助Sidewalk網絡對抗蘋果AirTag
21-05-04 Tile CEO回應AirTag發布:希望公平競爭
21-04-20 蘋果剛發布AirTag,招致競品Tile不滿
21-01-05 Tile 計劃推出 UWB 超寬帶追蹤器
20-09-23 亞馬遜被曝限制智能設備競爭對手在其網站上購買廣告

上一篇 2021-05-08 10:58
下一篇 2021-05-08 12:29
