
開設大型百貨實體店的計劃將標誌着亞馬遜向實體零售領域的新擴張,這是該公司長期以來一直尋求擴張的領域 … 知情人士稱,亞馬遜商店將使該公司的許多其他實體零售空間相形見絀,其規模將類似於Bloomingdale、Nordstrom和其他百貨連鎖店已開始開設的縮小規模的業態 … 包括梅西百貨和Kohl’s百貨公司在內的連鎖店預計將在周四公布強勁的銷售業績,原因是消費者在去年減少服裝購買量后,又重新開始購物。

21-08-20 36Kr: 亞馬遜籌備開設百貨連鎖店,開始向梅西百貨發起挑戰
21-08-19 Business Insider: Amazon is opening department stores in California and Ohio, reports say
21-08-19 Engadget: Amazon is reportedly planning to open MINI department stores
21-08-19 The Verge: Amazon reportedly plans to open department stores, starting in California and Ohio
21-08-19 Business Insider: Why Amazon would open a breed of stores that has been dying off for years
21-08-19 Engadget: Amazon plans to open department stores
21-08-19 Gizmodo: Amazon’s Expansion Into Department Stores Is All About Surveillance
21-08-19 SlashGear: Amazon leak claims retail giant will soon open physical department stores
21-08-20 Digital Trends: Amazon is planning to open its largest retail stores to date, report

21-08-19 亞馬遜籌備開設百貨連鎖店,開始向梅西百貨發起挑戰
20-02-25 亞馬遜繼續拓展實體零售,推出Amazon Go升級店面
19-09-30 傳亞馬遜計劃將Amazon Go無人收銀技術引入機場和影院
19-05-08 亞馬遜遭遇欺詐:黑客從商家賬戶中竊取資金
19-03-08 亞馬遜停止批發零售,鼓勵供應商直接賣給消費者

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