
據Teslarati報道,特斯拉目前正在採取措施,使其有資格獲得兩黨基礎設施法案中用於建設電動汽車充電站的75億美元資金 … 此前特斯拉首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克就曾宣布,其超級充電站網絡不久將對非特斯拉汽車開放。

21-08-10 鈦媒體: 基礎設施法案即將面世,特斯拉將有資格獲得電動汽車充電資金
21-08-10 Business Insider: GOP Sen. Bill Hagerty brags about ‘successfully’ delaying Biden’s infrastructure bill
21-08-10 Business Insider: Mitch McConnell joins the bipartisan Senate gang voting for Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill
21-08-10 Business Insider: Senate approves Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill – with McConnell’s support
21-08-10 The Verge: Senate approves $1 trillion infrastructure package as crypto worries loom
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21-08-10 Business Insider: Here are the 19 GOP senators WHO defied Trump by voting for the $1 trillion infrastructure bill

21-08-10 基礎設施法案即將面世,特斯拉將有資格獲得電動汽車充電資金
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