
亞馬遜投訴Fakespot提供誤導性信息和存在潛在安全風險后,蘋果已經從App Store下架該應用 … Fakespot是一款檢測虛假產品評論的熱門應用。Fakespot的應用功能是分析亞馬遜產品評論的可信度,並據此給出A到F的評級,從而為購物者推薦具有較高客戶滿意度的產品 … 亞馬遜發言人稱:“該涉事應用向消費者提供了關於我們的賣家和賣家產品的誤導性信息,損害了我們賣家的業務並造成潛在的安全風險。”

21-07-16 鈦媒體: 亞馬遜請求蘋果刪除虛假評論檢測應用Fakespot
21-07-16 The Verge: Amazon Fire HD 10 (2021) review: things are getting complicated
21-07-16 Mac Rumors: ‘Fakespot’ Removed From Apple’s App Store After Complaint From Amazon
21-07-16 The Verge: Amazon just got Fakespot booted off Apple’s iOS App Store
21-07-16 AppleInsider: Apple removes Fakespot from App Store following Amazon complaint
21-07-16 9to5Mac: Apple removes ‘Fakespot’ App from iOS App Store following Amazon request
21-07-17 Phone Arena: Apple gives in to Amazon’s demands and removes Fakespot App
21-07-17 Engadget: Amazon convinces Apple to remove review analyzer Fakespot from the App Store
21-07-17 iMore: Fakespot removed from the App Store following Amazon takedown notice
21-07-17 SlashGear: Amazon gets Fakespot product analyzer kicked from App Store
21-07-17 Mashable: Apple boots App that called BS on fake Amazon reviews from App Store
21-07-17 Gizmodo: Amazon Complains to Apple About Fakespot Review App, Gets It Kicked Off the App Store

上一篇 2021-07-18 11:28
下一篇 2021-07-18 11:28
