
英國維珍銀河公司創始人理查德·布蘭森定於11日開啟太空之旅,搭乘自家公司“團結”號太空船前往太空邊界。如果一切順利,他將成為第一名搭乘“自家”飛船前往太空的富豪 … 布蘭森擬於北京時間11日晚9時之後“啟程”。屆時,他將與兩名飛行員以及另三名維珍銀河工作人員從美國新墨西哥州美國航天發射場起飛。

21-07-11 虎嗅: 私人航天新紀元
21-07-11 鳳凰科技: 布蘭森迎來私人航天首飛 貝佐斯送祝福、馬斯克要現場觀看
21-07-10 Neowin: TWIRL 21: How to Watch Richard Branson’s trip to Space
21-07-10 Business Insider: Elon Musk wishes Richard Branson well ahead of his Spaceflight, implies he will be there to Watch the Virgin Galactic launch
21-07-10 The Verge: Watch Virgin Galactic launch Richard Branson to Space
21-07-10 Digital Trends: Blue Origin goes after Virgin Galactic over what counts as Space
21-07-10 Business Insider: Jeff Bezos wishes Richard Branson ‘a successful and safe’ flight ahead of his journey to the edge of Space
21-07-10 Gizmodo: How to Watch Virgin Galactic Launch Billionaire Richard Branson to Space on Sunday
21-07-10 TechCrunch: Watch Live as Virgin Galactic’s First passenger flight takes off with Richard Branson on board
21-07-10 The New York Times: Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Space Plane Flight: How to Watch
21-07-11 Business Insider: Richard Branson says he will take an LGBTQ Pride flag with him on his journey to the edge of Space
21-07-11 Vox: Richard Branson’s trip to Space is about convincing others to come along
21-07-11 Engadget: Watch Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic flight here at 9AM ET
21-07-11 The Verge: Richard Branson sets off on his Voyage to Space aboard Virgin Galactic’s spaceplane

21-07-10 維珍銀河創始人太空之旅在即
21-07-01 維珍銀河擬於 7 月 11 日將創始人布蘭森送入太空
21-06-10 傳布蘭森將先於貝索斯上太空,維珍銀河未予以否認
21-05-22 維珍銀河公司太空飛機VSS Unity完成兩年多來首次成功飛行
20-12-13 維珍銀河第三次載人飛行嘗試失敗,發動機過早熄火

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下一篇 2021-07-12 09:30
