微軟宣布不再發布Windows 10X

據The Verge消息,微軟今天確認不再計劃發布Windows 10X … Windows 10X本來是專門為雙屏設備(如 Surface NEO)設計的Windows 10的精簡版。

21-05-18 品玩: 微軟宣布不再發布Windows 10X
21-05-18 The Verge: Microsoft confirms Windows 10X is dead
21-05-18 Neowin: Windows 10X is officially dead, but some features will come to Windows 10
21-05-18 AppleInsider: Microsoft confirms Windows 10X isn’t coming in 2021, may never launch

21-05-18 微軟宣布不再發布Windows 10X
21-05-07 消息稱微軟終止 Windows 10X 開發
20-05-14 微軟確認Windows 10X支持Win32應用
20-05-04 微軟確認 Win10X 首發單屏筆記本
19-12-28 微軟或將改變個人版Win10付費方式:由買斷改為訂閱

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