
7月31日消息,《華爾街日報》記者蒂姆·希金斯在其即將出版的新書《權力遊戲:特斯拉、埃隆·馬斯克和世紀賭注》中披露,馬斯克曾在2016年與蒂姆·庫克蘋果收購特斯拉事宜通話,並提出要求,希望成為合併后的公司CEO … 在最新推文中,馬斯克直截了當地澄清說:“我和庫克從來沒有說過話,也沒有相互寫過信。”他還表示,他的確曾試圖就蘋果收購特斯拉事宜與庫克會面,但卻遭到後者拒絕。馬斯克還聲稱,這本書的大部分內容都是虛構的。

21-07-31 鳳凰科技: 馬斯克:曾想跟庫克討論蘋果收購特斯拉事宜 但被其拒絕
21-07-31 鳳凰科技: 傳聞馬斯克想當蘋果CEO 本人回應:瞎扯
21-07-30 Mac Rumors: Elon Musk Reportedly Demanded to Become Apple CEO as Part of Potential Tesla Acquisition
21-07-30 Mac Rumors: Elon Musk: Apple’s App Store Fees Are a ‘De Facto Global Tax on the internet’
21-07-30 9to5Mac: Elon Musk wanted to be Apple CEO, but Tim Cook dropped an F bomb on that idea
21-07-30 iMore: Elon Musk demanded to be made Apple CEO, Tim Cook said “F*** you”
21-07-30 9to5Mac: Elon Musk calls App Store fees a ‘de facto Global tax on the internet,’ sides with Epic Games
21-07-30 iMore: Elon Musk: Apple App Store fees ‘de facto Global tax on the internet’
21-07-30 TechCrunch: Elon Musk calls Apple’s App Store fees ‘a de facto Global tax on the internet’
21-07-30 AppleInsider: Tesla’s Elon Musk backs Epic, calls App Store fees a ‘de facto Global tax’
21-07-30 The Verge: Elon Musk and Apple deny wild story that he tried to replace Tim Cook
21-07-30 Business Insider: Elon Musk denies that Tim Cook ever cursed him out after a new Book claims the Apple CEO hung up on him with a ‘f— you’
21-07-30 Engadget: Elon Musk Denies He Discussed Apple-Tesla Merger With Tim Cook
21-07-30 Business Insider: Elon Musk calls out Apple’s App Store fees for being a ‘Global tax on the internet’
21-07-30 The Verge: Elon Musk calls Apple’s App Store fees a ‘de facto Global tax on the internet’
21-07-30 Mashable: New Book about Tesla already causing drama between Elon Musk and Apple’s Tim Cook
21-07-30 Neowin: Elon Musk denies demanding the CEO position from Apple’s Tim Cook
21-07-30 Gizmodo: =
21-07-31 9to5Mac: Should we seriously count Elon Musk out as Tim Cook’s successor? Obviously, but hear ME out …

21-07-30 馬斯克:曾想跟庫克討論蘋果收購特斯拉事宜,但被拒絕
20-12-22 馬斯克:曾考慮讓蘋果收購特斯拉,但庫克拒絕會面

上一篇 2021-08-01 00:14
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