
6月23日,5隻芯片ETF或半導體ETF單日漲幅皆超過4.5%,再度霸屏前五大股票ETF漲幅榜單 … Wind數據顯示,截至6月22日,全市場5隻芯片ETF總份額為275.65億份,比二季度初期縮水137.55億份,萎縮33.29%。

21-06-23 鈦媒體: 二季度芯片ETF大漲30%,資金凈流出164億元
21-06-23 Engadget: 3iQ’s Bitcoin ETF Rises on First Day of Trading on NASDAQ Dubai
21-06-23 Business Insider: the fund that staged a board revolt at Exxon last month is launching a retail ETF designed to spar with corporate management
21-06-23 Business Insider: The SEC has postponed its decision on a bitcoin ETF from Valkyrie Digital Assets, the second crypto Fund application the regulator has delayed in the last week

21-06-23 二季度芯片ETF大漲30%,資金凈流出164億元
21-05-12 美國SEC向共同基金投資者發出比特幣期貨風險警示
21-03-25 高盛或將提供比特幣投資選擇
21-03-21 天橋資本已正式向美國SEC提交比特幣ETF申請
21-02-13 加拿大監管機構批准全球首隻比特幣ETF上市

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