
一名加拿大歌迷日前預定門票時發現自己沒有資格入場,原因是他接種阿斯利康新冠疫苗 … 據報道,這幾場演唱會將是自2020年3月以來百老匯首次重開的演出,參加者必須出示新冠疫苗接種證明 … “今日俄羅斯”電視台19日刊文稱,阿斯利康疫苗已在英國推廣,由於少數人注射后出現血栓癥狀,所以在全球範圍內該疫苗仍受到嚴格審查。

21-06-20 鳳凰科技: 美國明星演唱會拒絕阿斯利康疫苗接種者入場
21-06-20 36Kr: 美國或難以在7月4日獨立日實現疫苗接種目標
21-06-19 Fast Company: A MIX-and-Match approach to COVID-19 vaccines could help vaccinate the world—and fight the variants
21-06-19 Business Insider: The Palestinian Authority rejected 90,000 vaccine doses from Israel because they were almost expired
21-06-19 Mashable: Cute vaccine card holders are a thing Now — here are our favorites
21-06-19 The Verge: The Slow transitions of a lingering pandemic
21-06-19 Business Insider: California launches Digital vaccine verification system but says it will not be mandatory
21-06-19 SlashGear: US hits 300 million COVID-19 vaccine shots, but will it reach July 4 goal?
21-06-19 Business Insider: A man WHO boosted his Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine with a shot from Moderna said his side effects were a ‘little more severe’ the third time round

21-06-19 美國明星演唱會拒絕阿斯利康疫苗接種者入場
21-06-13 美國蘋果零售店將在本周取消對已接種疫苗顧客的口罩要求
20-10-23 牛津疫苗在美國恢複試驗:全球範圍內志願者將達5萬人
20-10-13 美國強生暫停新冠疫苗研究,接種者出現不明原因癥狀
20-09-01 阿斯利康新冠候選疫苗在美國進入三期臨床試驗

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