微軟將以 687 億美元收購動視暴雪

微軟宣布,將以每股 95.00 美元的價格收購動視暴雪,這筆全現金交易價值 687 億美元,其中包括動視暴雪的凈現金。交易完成後,微軟將成為按營收計算的全球第三大遊戲公司,僅次於騰訊和索尼 … 據微軟的聲明顯示,計劃中的收購包括動視暴雪和子公司 King 的知名作品,如《魔獸》系列、《暗黑破壞神》《守望先鋒》《使命召喚》和 《糖果粉碎傳奇》等。

22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 微軟將以 687 億美元收購動視暴雪 / 蘋果成去年手機銷量冠軍 / 支付寶五福今天開啟
22-01-19 36Kr: 687億美元驚天大收購:動視暴雪服“軟”了
22-01-19 品玩: 687億美元驚天大收購:動視暴雪服“軟”了
22-01-19 36Kr: 微軟花687億買下暴雪一具空殼
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 微軟花687億買下暴雪一具空殼
22-01-19 鈦媒體: 微軟花687億買下暴雪一具空殼
22-01-19 36Kr: 687億美元,微軟買下80、90后的青春
22-01-19 投中網: 687億美元,微軟買下80、90后的青春
22-01-18 鈦媒體: 微軟收購動視暴雪,分析師:將面臨全球反壟斷審查
22-01-18 鈦媒體: 微軟收購或重塑動視暴雪企業文化,美媒:被指包庇性騷擾的動視暴雪CEO將離職
22-01-18 鈦媒體: 動視暴雪CEO:遊戲元宇宙化是接受微軟收購的主因
22-01-18 鳳凰科技: 這次難躲過 微軟收購動視暴雪面臨嚴格反壟斷審查
22-01-18 CNBeta: 微軟收購動視暴雪面臨嚴格反壟斷審查
22-01-18 鳳凰科技: 超4000億收購暴雪背後 微軟有怎樣的心思與布局?
22-01-19 CNBeta: 微軟收購動視暴雪很突然 分析師:687億美元才占微軟估值3%,不損害其它機會
22-01-19 CNBeta: 分析師:微軟收購暴雪的687億美元僅占估值3% 不損害其它機會
22-01-19 CNBeta: 微軟與動視暴雪併購協議分手費高達30億美元
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 入賬25億元 傳動視暴雪CEO將在微軟收購完成後離職
22-01-19 虎嗅: 微軟687億美元收購動視暴雪,歷史就在眼前
22-01-19 36Kr: 全現金,微軟宣布687億美元買下動視暴雪
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 微軟收購動視暴雪 遊戲圈“大地震”:索尼在日本股市跌近 10%
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 微軟大手筆收購動視暴雪:下一個獵物最有可能是?
22-01-19 36Kr: 微軟為何天價收購動視暴雪:全方位較量索尼,重金布局元宇宙
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 微軟能夠經營好動視暴雪嗎?
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 微軟驚天收購動視暴雪的五大原因:單挑難敵騰訊
22-01-19 CNBeta: 微軟收購暴雪 傳統媒體巨頭難敵科技巨頭
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 溢價45.3% 微軟斥資687億美元收購動視暴雪 PK臉書爭奪內容生產龍頭
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 微軟宣布收購動視暴雪上熱搜!網友感嘆:4000億現金交易
22-01-19 鳳凰科技: 微軟遊戲業務CEO菲爾・斯賓塞:歡迎動視暴雪加入微軟遊戲大家庭
22-01-19 界面: 微軟687億美元收購動視暴雪背後:意在打造超級遊戲航母,索尼最受傷
22-01-19 雷科技: 4397億!微軟大手筆收購動視暴雪:索尼成最大輸家
22-01-19 鈦媒體: 微軟斥巨資收購暴雪,為何相中“元宇宙+遊戲”賽道?
22-01-18 Fast Company: Microsoft is buying Activision Blizzard amid sexual misconduct scandals
22-01-18 Business Insider: Microsoft is buying ‘Call of Duty’ publisher Activision in a nearly $70 billion deal
22-01-18 The Verge: Microsoft to acquire Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion
22-01-18 Neowin: Microsoft is buying Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion
22-01-18 Engadget: Microsoft is buying Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion
22-01-18 AppleInsider: Microsoft acquiring Activision Blizzard in $68.7B gaming deal
22-01-18 CNBC: Microsoft to Buy Activision in $68.7 billion all-cash deal
22-01-18 VentureBeat: Microsoft is buying Activision Blizzard
22-01-18 The Verge: Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service grows to 25 million subscribers
22-01-18 Gizmodo: Microsoft to Swallow Activision Blizzard for $68.7 Billion
22-01-18 Digital Trends: Microsoft is acquiring Activision Blizzard in shocking deal
22-01-18 Neowin: Microsoft’s Xbox and PC Game Pass Now have over 25 million subscribers
22-01-18 SlashGear: Microsoft acquires Activision Blizzard in eye-watering $70b deal
22-01-18 Digital Trends: Microsoft investors call gives more details on Activision Blizzard purchase
22-01-18 Android Police: Microsoft announces plans to acquire Activision Blizzard for a whopping $68.7 billion
22-01-18 Engadget: Microsoft Game Pass tops 25 million subscribers
22-01-18 Phone Arena: Dear Microsoft, make a Windows 11 phone, rival Android and iPhone
22-01-18 The Verge: Read Microsoft Gaming CEO’s email to staff about the Activision Blizzard acquisition
22-01-18 The New York Times: Microsoft to Buy Activision Blizzard for Nearly $70 Billion
22-01-18 Mashable: Microsoft set to acquire Activision Blizzard in a Blockbuster $68.7 billion deal
22-01-18 Vox: Microsoft is buying One of the biggest names in games — if Washington lets it
22-01-18 Digital Trends: 4 takeaways from Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard bombshell
22-01-18 Business Insider: Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision is a ‘Smart deal’ as the tech giant homes in on gaming as the earliest money-making opportunity in the metaverse, Wedbush says
22-01-18 The Verge: Read Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick’s email to employees about the Microsoft acquisition
22-01-18 The Verge: Microsoft and Activision Blizzard: the latest News on the acquisition
22-01-18 Business Insider: Microsoft’s massive deal to acquire Activision sparks rally in EA, Ubisoft, and other gaming stocks
22-01-18 Neowin: Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision: the good, the bad, and the ugly
22-01-18 Business Insider: ‘Call of Duty’ could become an Xbox exclusive after the Microsoft-Activision deal closes — but fans on PlayStation can REST easy for Now
22-01-18 The New York Times: Microsoft to Buy Activision Blizzard for Nearly $70 Billion
22-01-18 The New York Times: With Activision, Microsoft Bets on the Future
22-01-18 Business Insider: Activision CEO Bobby Kotick will reportedly leave the Company after Microsoft acquisition closes
22-01-18 Gizmodo: Microsoft’s Buying Activision Blizzard—Now What?
22-01-18 The Verge: Microsoft’s Activision acquisition would instantly make it a force in Mobile gaming
22-01-18 Business Insider: Activision’s market value is still 14% below what Microsoft plans to pay for it — and that suggests investors Don’t think the deal will get done
22-01-18 Digital Trends: Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard purchase is a disaster for gaming
22-01-18 VentureBeat: Bobby Kotick interview: Why Activision Blizzard did the deal with Microsoft
22-01-18 Business Insider: Read the email Microsoft Gaming’s CEO sent staff about its $68 billion purchase of Activision
22-01-18 The Verge: Microsoft addresses last week’s buggy Windows Updates that broke VPNs and rebooted servers
22-01-18 CNBC: Microsoft sets record for biggest Tech deal ever, topping Dell-EMC merger in 2016
22-01-18 Engadget: Microsoft consolidating the video game industry is bad for everyone
22-01-18 Neowin: Activision Blizzard head Bobby Kotick to possibly depart after Microsoft deal finalizes
22-01-18 Digital Trends: Can Microsoft Buy Activision? Here’s what may kill the deal
22-01-19 The New York Times: Gamers Greet Microsoft’s Activision Deal With Guarded Optimism

22-01-18 微軟將以 687 億美元收購動視暴雪
22-01-18 動視暴雪雖已開除數十人 但股東仍要求CEO行政休假
21-11-25 海外版遊戲啟動器部分宕機,動視暴雪稱遭到DDoS攻擊
21-11-21 動視暴雪CEO回應職場醜聞:若無法快速解決問題會考慮辭職
21-11-19 超1000名員工請願要求動視暴雪CEO離職

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