
知名爆料者Evan Blass透露,即將推出的代號為“Passport”的可摺疊Pixel智能手機將於今年年底推出 … 該公司有可能在Pixel 6發布會上推出Pixel Fold智能手機 … 一旦推出,谷歌的可摺疊Pixel智能手機將與三星日益增加的可摺疊智能手機陣容展開競爭。

21-09-20 鳳凰科技: 谷歌正在研發可摺疊手機 最快將於今年年底推出
21-09-20 CNBeta: 據報道Google的第二款可摺疊手機產品正在研發中
21-09-20 Phone Arena: The iPhone Flip Display specs leak, Apple preparing two thin foldables
21-09-20 Android Police: Android 12.1 spotted with some enhancements for foldables — Google Pixel Fold incoming?
21-09-20 The Verge: Google reportedly has a second foldable in the works
21-09-20 Phone Arena: A Google Pixel Fold launch alongside Pixel 6 Now looks even more likely
21-09-20 Digital Trends: Google Pixel Fold might steal the show from the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro

21-09-20 谷歌正在研發可摺疊手機,最快將於今年年底推出
21-06-27 蘋果獲得柔性屏新專利
20-09-01 蘋果申請環繞式顯示屏iPhone專利:無任何接口
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