
北京時間7月8日消息,法院待審案件條目顯示,美國幾十個州的總檢察長周三在聯邦法院對谷歌提起了反壟斷訴訟 … 美國36個州和華盛頓特區在加州北區地方法院提交了這項訴訟,指控谷歌在運營其Android 應用商店時違反了反壟斷法,主要針對谷歌在應用購買和訂閱中向開發者收取的費用 … 谷歌禁止帶有異議內容的應用在其Google Play應用商店上架,並進一步要求一些應用使用其支付工具,並最高抽取30%的分成。

21-07-07 鳳凰科技: 美國36個州起訴谷歌壟斷:濫用應用商店權力對開發者抽成
21-07-07 Mac Rumors: Multiple U.S. States Sue Google for Violating Antitrust Laws With Play Store Fees
21-07-07 Engadget: 36 states launch antitrust suit against Google over the Play Store
21-07-07 The Verge: Google faces new antitrust lawsuit over Google Play Store fees
21-07-07 Android Police: Google just got handed a massive multi-state antitrust lawsuit over Play Store fees
21-07-07 The New York Times: Dozens of States Are Suing Google Over App Store Fees
21-07-07 AppleInsider: Google slapped with antitrust lawsuit over App Store management
21-07-07 9to5Google: US states file lawsuit over requirement that Apps in Play Store must use Google IAP billing system

21-07-07 美國36個州起訴谷歌壟斷:濫用應用商店權力對開發者抽成
20-11-09 印度對谷歌展開反壟斷調查,稱其濫用應用商店推廣支付業務
19-09-03 傳美國一半以上州總檢察官擬對谷歌展開反壟斷調查
18-06-18 Apple asks US Supreme Court to throw out antitrust suit over app commissions

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