
五角大樓取消了2019年授予微軟公司的100億美元雲計算合同,並打算分拆給微軟和亞馬遜兩家公司 … 亞馬遜對五角大樓的決定表示讚賞,在一份聲明中表示當初授予微軟合同是外部影響力的結果,而政府採購中不該如此 … 微軟表示理解並尊重撤銷合同的決定,因為國防部否則將面臨一場曠日持久的官司。

21-07-06 鈦媒體: 五角大樓取消100億美元雲合同,微軟:理解並尊重撤銷合同決定
21-07-06 鳳凰科技: 亞馬遜贏了 美國防部取消微軟獨享的100億美元雲合同
21-07-06 Fast Company: Pentagon nixes $10 billion JEDI Cloud contract that Microsoft and Amazon were fighting over
21-07-06 Business Insider: The Pentagon has called off the $10 billion JEDI Cloud-computing contract Microsoft and Amazon were arguing over
21-07-06 Engadget: DOD cancels $10 billion JEDI contract at center of Microsoft and Amazon feud
21-07-06 The New York Times: Pentagon Cancels $10 Billion JEDI Cloud-Computing Contract
21-07-06 TechCrunch: Nobody wins as DoD finally pulls the Plug on controversial $10B JEDI contract
21-07-06 The Verge: Pentagon cancels Microsoft JEDI contract, will Ask for new Cloud Computing bids
21-07-06 Gizmodo: Tired of Microsoft and Amazon’s Bickering, Pentagon Cancels $10 Billion JEDI Contract
21-07-06 Neowin: U.S. DoD scraps the $10 billion JEDI contract awarded to Microsoft
21-07-06 VentureBeat: Pentagon scraps $10B JEDI Project with Microsoft, calls deal outdated
21-07-07 Wired: The Pentagon Scrubs a Cloud Deal and Looks to Add More AI

21-07-06 五角大樓取消100億美元雲合同,微軟:理解並尊重撤銷合同決定
21-05-10 美國防部考慮終止微軟100億美元雲合同
21-03-31 微軟贏得美軍218億美元合同:10年提供12萬套AR頭戴設備
20-12-16 亞馬遜敦促法官撤銷美國防部授予微軟的100億美元雲計算合同
20-09-04 美國防部:與微軟簽訂100億美元JEDI雲合同的決策維持不變

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