蘋果:允許iPhone用戶從App Store之外安裝軟件風險太大

蘋果發表這篇文章的同時,正值立法者將就一系列旨在限制大型科技公司的反壟斷法案進行辯論 … 美國眾議院司法委員會今日將討論6項反壟斷法案,其中許多法案旨在遏制大型科技公司,預計這一問題的雙方都將展開激烈辯論。

21-06-23 鈦媒體: 蘋果:允許iPhone用戶從App Store之外安裝軟件風險太大
21-06-23 Mac Rumors: Apple Says Allowing Sideloading on iPhone Would Expose Users to Serious Privacy and security Risks
21-06-23 Mac Rumors: Apple Executive Suggests Users WHO Want App Sideloading Move to Android
21-06-23 Fast Company: Exclusive: Apple makes its case against iPhone App sideloading
21-06-23 CNBC: Apple warns of the perils of installing unapproved Apps ahead of antitrust debate in Congress
21-06-23 iMore: Apple warns of grave dangers posed by sideloading on iOS in new Paper
21-06-23 AppleInsider: Apple explains why side-loading on iOS is a bad idea
21-06-23 Phone Arena: Apple states allowing App sideloading on iOS will expose users to Major security threats
21-06-23 9to5Mac: Apple continues App Store PR blitz with FastCo interview on sideloading
21-06-23 iMore: Sideloading on iOS would eliminate user choice, says Erik Neuenschwander
21-06-23 AppleInsider: Apple’s head of privacy doubles down on anti-sideloading stance
21-06-23 The Next Web: Apple: only our App Store can protect your iPhone from sideloaded malware
21-06-23 The Verge: Apple argues against sideloading iPhone Apps as regulatory pressure mounts
21-06-23 Neowin: Apple highlights the dangers of sideloading Apps on platforms like Android

21-06-23 蘋果:允許iPhone用戶從App Store之外安裝軟件風險太大
19-10-25 蘋果在新隱私廣告中敦促客戶確保數據安全
19-10-04 庫克意大利演講:蘋果不會把用戶“當作產品”
19-09-06 蘋果推iOS 13隱私新規,迫使加密通信應用調整
19-08-07 因Siri泄露隱私問題,蘋果在美遭集體訴訟

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