
資料顯示,比特中國是中國第一家數字資產交易平台,成立於 2011 年 6 月 … IT之家了解到,人民銀行有關部門近日還就銀行和支付機構為虛擬貨幣交易炒作提供服務問題,約談了工商銀行、農業銀行、建設銀行、郵儲銀行、興業銀行和支付寶(中國)網絡技術有限公司等部分銀行和支付機構 … 要分析虛擬貨幣交易炒作活動的資金交易特徵,加大技術投入,完善異常交易監控模型,切實提高監測識別能力。

21-06-22 鳳凰科技: 比特幣中國全面退出加密貨幣交易業務
21-06-22 互聯網的一些事: 比特幣中國出售新加坡交易平台ZG.COM,全面退出加密貨幣交易業務
21-06-22 Engadget: Analysts Divided on Bitcoin’s Price Prospects as $30K Beckons
21-06-22 Business Insider: Billionaire Mike Novogratz says Xi Jinping’s authoritarianism isn’t good for bitcoin – and China’s citizens will Find a way around the system
21-06-22 Engadget: Bitcoin Finds Support at $30K; Faces Resistance at $36K
21-06-22 Engadget: Bitcoin Price Drops Below $30K for the first time Since January
21-06-22 Business Insider: Tumbling bitcoin is testing the crucial $30,000 threshold – and its ability to stay above it could determine whether the plunge deepens or a rebound takes hold
21-06-22 Engadget: Pantera’s Dan Morehead Scores 250% Surge Betting Beyond Bitcoin
21-06-22 Gizmodo: Bitcoin’s Price Plummets as China Cracks Down on Trades
21-06-22 Business Insider: Jim Cramer says he will Buy bitcoin again if it falls to near $10,000 – a day after saying he sold nearly all his holdings
21-06-22 Engadget: Why are bitcoin prices still plunging?
21-06-22 Engadget: Why Ethereum’s Price Is Built on Firmer Ground Than Bitcoin
21-06-22 Business Insider: Bitcoin is worth zero and there is no evidence that Blockchain is a useful Technology, Black Swan author Nassim Taleb says

21-06-22 比特幣中國全面退出加密貨幣交易業務
21-06-21 中國農業銀行:禁止使用我行服務用於比特幣等虛擬貨幣交易
21-06-17 嘉楠科技宣布獲得一萬台比特幣礦機採購訂單
21-06-12 雲南省能源局:6月底完成比特幣挖礦企業清理整頓
21-06-07 Square將投資500萬美元建設太陽能比特幣挖礦設施

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