
這批疫苗因存儲溫度不達標,工作人員決定將其報廢,並在這批疫苗上標明了“禁止使用” … 工作人員對記者表示,保存疫苗的冷庫出現“溫度失控故障”,原本應維持零下80攝氏度至零下60攝氏度的冷藏環境一度升溫到了8、9攝氏度 … 經過調查,這種失控升溫的情況是在11日、12日發生的,卻直到13日才被發現,從而導致6396劑疫苗報廢。

21-06-13 鳳凰科技: 日本新冠疫苗頻現失誤:近6400劑疫苗因保管不當報廢
21-06-12 Business Insider: A federal judge just ruled against over 100 Houston hospital workers WHO will be fired if they Don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine
21-06-13 Business Insider: Taco Bell is giving away free tacos to vaccinated customers across California, as part of the state’s Vax for the Win scheme
21-06-13 Mac Rumors: Apple Stores to Drop Mask Requirement for Vaccinated Customers This Week
21-06-13 Business Insider: Under pressure, G7 leaders vow to deliver at least 1 billion extra COVID-19 vaccine doses in the Next year
21-06-13 Gizmodo: Bars With Vaccine Requirements Are Being Flooded With Negative Reviews: report

21-06-13 日本新冠疫苗頻現失誤:近6400劑疫苗因保管不當報廢
21-04-27 蘋果iOS 14.5更新注射器表情符號:可代表疫苗接種、獻血等
20-10-16 輝瑞公司或於11月底申請新冠疫苗緊急使用授權

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