
據白宮網站消息稱,當地時間6月3日,美國總統拜登以“應對中國軍工企業威脅”為由簽署行政命令,將包括華為公司、中芯國際、中國航天科技集團有限公司等59家中企列入投資“黑名單”,禁止美國人與名單所列公司進行投資交易 … 新命令是對美國政府此前一項針對中企命令的修訂,擴大了打壓範圍,宣稱增加了所謂“民主”和“人權”的考慮。

21-06-03 鈦媒體: 拜登簽署行政命令修訂投資禁令,59家中企被列入“黑名單”
21-06-03 Business Insider: 10 Things in Politics: The Power players in Biden’s inner Circle
21-06-03 Business Insider: The DOJ is investigating a lobbying firm that worked with Burisma when Hunter Biden was there, report says
21-06-03 Business Insider: Biden is signing onto Trump’s trillion-dollar plans for new nuclear weapons
21-06-03 Business Insider: Biden’s First trip abroad will be a whirlwind of Major meetings with key allies and top rivals
21-06-03 Business Insider: Biden has reportedly offered to ditch his rollback of Trump-era tax cuts in a Major infrastructure concession to GOP
21-06-03 Business Insider: Jen Psaki downplays the prospect of a 4th stimulus check, saying Biden has already proposed his Best economic recovery plan
21-06-03 Business Insider: First lady Jill Biden celebrates her 70th birthday with the president at their beach House in Delaware
21-06-03 The Verge: Joe Biden signs order banning US investment in Chinese surveillance companies

21-06-03 拜登簽署行政命令修訂投資禁令,59家中企被列入“黑名單”
21-04-20 拜登呼籲提高美國電動汽車產能“追上並超越中國”
21-04-07 拜登政府計劃投入1000億美元補貼消費者購買電動汽車
21-03-01 拜登呼籲亞馬遜不要干擾工會投票 是否加入工會工人說了算
21-02-24 拜登政府尋求撥款370億美元,加強美芯片製造業發展

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下一篇 2021-06-04 08:31
