
當地時間5月25日,美國華盛頓特區總檢察長卡爾·拉辛(Karl Racine)以違反反壟斷法為由對美國電子商務巨頭亞馬遜公司提起訴訟 … 總檢察長辦公室稱,亞馬遜使用的合同條款阻止其平台上的第三方商家以較低的價格在其他平台上提供產品,從而非法壟斷市場,這些條款最終削弱競爭,阻礙創新並損害了消費者和第三方商家的權益 … 亞馬遜發言人則在當日發表聲明稱,第三方商家在其平台自行進行定價,因此訴訟內容不屬實,亞馬遜以在市場保持低價使消費者受益為榮。

21-05-25 鳳凰科技: 美國華盛頓特區總檢察長對亞馬遜提起反壟斷訴訟:阻止第三方低價出售商品
21-05-25 Fast Company: Washington, D.C., attorney general heads to battle over Amazon’s competitive practices
21-05-25 Engadget: Amazon accused of illegally raising prices in antitrust lawsuit
21-05-25 Engadget: Amazon hit with antitrust suit by DC attorney general, accused of trying to ‘Win at all costs’
21-05-25 The Verge: DC attorney general launches antitrust suit against Amazon
21-05-25 Business Insider: DC’s attorney general is suing Amazon over alleged antitrust violations, accusing the tech giant of abusing its Power to control prices online
21-05-25 TechCrunch: DC Attorney General files antitrust suit against Amazon over third-party seller agreements
21-05-25 The New York Times: the big Deal in Amazon’s Antitrust Case
21-05-25 The New York Times: Amazon Accused of Manipulating Prices by D.C. Attorney General
21-05-25 Neowin: DC attorney general opens antitrust probe into Amazon
21-05-25 Wired: A New Antitrust Case Cuts to the Core of Amazon’s Identity
21-05-25 Wired: A New Antitrust Case Cuts to the Core of Amazon’s Identity
21-05-25 Vox: How a small antitrust lawsuit against Amazon could mean big things for big tech

21-05-25 美國華盛頓特區總檢察長對亞馬遜提起反壟斷訴訟:阻止第三方低價出售商品
19-08-02 美國FTC調查亞馬遜:和蘋果銷售合作排擠了其他經銷商
19-03-13 蘋果打破軟硬封閉模式:向亞馬遜機頂盒開放音樂服務
18-11-21 亞馬遜開始銷售更多蘋果產品:新iPhone隨後就到
18-11-09 蘋果與亞馬遜達成新協議:更多蘋果產品將上架

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