
據報道,谷歌今日宣布,將在紐約市開設谷歌的第一家實體零售店“Google Store” … 這也是谷歌迄今為止開設的第一家實體零售店,將於今年夏天面向公眾開放 … 至於為何選址紐約,谷歌稱:Google Store將成為我們位於切爾西社區的城市園區的一部分,這裡是我們在紐約的11000多名谷歌員工的家園。

21-05-19 鈦媒體: 谷歌宣布在紐約市開設首家實體零售店,今夏開業
21-05-20 CNBC: Google’s First retail store, where it will sell phones and other gadgets, to open in New York this summer
21-05-20 The Verge: Google is opening its First physical retail store this summer in NYC
21-05-20 9to5Google: First physical Google Store opening in New York City this summer
21-05-20 SlashGear: Google is opening its First physical Store: This is why
21-05-20 Android Police: Google will finally try out its own retail store this summer
21-05-20 Engadget: Google will open its First retail store in New York City this summer

21-05-20 谷歌宣布在紐約市開設首家實體零售店,今夏開業
19-09-16 谷歌10月15日召開發布會:預計將發布Pixel 4手機
19-05-14 營收增長減緩,谷歌擬在移動應用主頁投信息流廣告
19-04-16 谷歌放棄開設實體旗艦零售店計劃
18-12-17 谷歌宣布斥資10億美元在紐約建新園區

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