Google Chrome v91.0.4472.77 正式版發布

谷歌瀏覽器Google Chrome正式版迎來v91首個版本發布,詳細版本號為v91.0.4472.77,上一個正式版v90.0.4430.212發佈於5月11日,時隔15天Google又發布了新版Chrome瀏覽器,本次升級主要是更新了安全修復和穩定性改進及用戶體驗。

Google Chrome v91.0.4472.77 正式版發布

Chrome v91.0.4472.77 正式版(2021-05-26)

谷歌瀏覽器v91正式版主要更新,支持桌面應用程序對剪貼板進行只讀訪問,該功能將允許用戶使用剪貼板鍵盤快捷鍵,如Ctrl+C和Ctrl+V,將文件附加到電子郵件中,而不是僅僅依靠拖放方法。默認啟用WebTransport和WebAssembly SIMD這兩項實驗性功能。前者是一套全新的協議框架/標準,適合與遠程服務器展開安全的多路傳輸通信。後者則是WebSockets的一個替代方案,並提供了類似UDP的數據報雙向通信API。

谷歌瀏覽器v90正式版主要更新,引入了許多以用戶為中心的功能改進,輔以安全性方面的進一步提升。默認向目標網站鏈接均啟用SSL安全傳輸協議(HTTPS),全新AV1開源視頻編碼器的技術支持,高清視頻佔用大幅減小。新增窗口重命名功能,可重命名已打開的多個窗口,可記住窗口的配置,遇到崩潰重啟會自動恢復狀態。還有WebXR深度API、啟用了URL協議設置程序、效果疊加層、以及安全性方面的諸多改進,比如為了防範緩解NAT Slipstream 2.0攻擊,而屏蔽封鎖了通過554端口的HTTP/HTTPS/FTP服務器訪問。

谷歌瀏覽器v89正式版主要更新,修復了一個零日漏洞,建議用戶儘快更新。優化了對WebHID、WebNFC和Web Serial等適用於HID設備API的支持,此外NFC和串行設備也被認為可以投入生產使用。還初步為WebRTC添加了對AV1編碼的支持。此外桌面端還帶來了Web Share和Web Share Target支持以及其他增強功能。


Chrome v91.0.4472.77,此更新包括32個安全修復程序。

[$20000][1208721] High CVE-2021-30521: Heap buffer overflow in Autofill. Reported by ZhanJia Song on 2021-05-13
[$7500][1176218] High CVE-2021-30522: Use after free in WebAudio. Reported by Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos on 2021-02-09
[$7500][1187797] High CVE-2021-30523: Use after free in WebRTC. Reported by Tolyan Korniltsev on 2021-03-13
[$TBD][1197146] High CVE-2021-30524: Use after free in TabStrip. Reported by David Erceg on 2021-04-08
[$TBD][1197888] High CVE-2021-30525: Use after free in TabGroups. Reported by David Erceg on 2021-04-11
[$TBD][1198717] High CVE-2021-30526: Out of bounds write in TabStrip. Reported by David Erceg on 2021-04-13
[$TBD][1199198] High CVE-2021-30527: Use after free in WebUI. Reported by David Erceg on 2021-04-15
[$NA][1206329] High CVE-2021-30528: Use after free in WebAuthentication. Reported by Man Yue Mo of GitHub Security Lab on 2021-05-06
[$7500][1195278] Medium CVE-2021-30529: Use after free in Bookmarks. Reported by koocola (@alo_cook) and Nan Wang (@eternalsakura13) of 360 Alpha Lab on 2021-04-02
[$7500][1201033] Medium CVE-2021-30530: Out of bounds memory access in WebAudio. Reported by kkwon on 2021-04-21
[$5000][1115628] Medium CVE-2021-30531: Insufficient policy enforcement in Content Security Policy. Reported by Philip Papurt on 2020-08-12
[$5000][1117687] Medium CVE-2021-30532: Insufficient policy enforcement in Content Security Policy. Reported by Philip Papurt on 2020-08-18
[$5000][1145553] Medium CVE-2021-30533: Insufficient policy enforcement in PopupBlocker. Reported by Eliya Stein on 2020-11-04
[$3000][1151507] Medium CVE-2021-30534: Insufficient policy enforcement in iFrameSandbox. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz on 2020-11-20
[$1000][1194899] Medium CVE-2021-30535: Double free in ICU. Reported by nocma, leogan, cheneyxu of WeChat Open Platform Security Team on 2021-04-01
[$500][1145024] Medium CVE-2021-21212: Insufficient data validation in networking. Reported by Hugo Hue and Sze Yiu Chau of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 2020-11-03
[$15000][1194358] Low CVE-2021-30536: Out of bounds read in V8. Reported by Chris Salls (@salls) on 2021-03-31
[$3000][830101] Low CVE-2021-30537: Insufficient policy enforcement in cookies. Reported by Jun Kokatsu (@shhnjk) on 2018-04-06
[$3000][1115045] Low CVE-2021-30538: Insufficient policy enforcement in content security policy. Reported by Tianze Ding (@D1iv3) of Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab on 2020-08-11
[$1000][971231] Low CVE-2021-30539: Insufficient policy enforcement in content security policy. Reported by unnamed researcher on 2019-06-05
[$500][1184147] Low CVE-2021-30540: Incorrect security UI in payments. Reported by @retsew0x01 on 2021-03-03
[1213064] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives



Google Chrome v91.0.4472.77 官方正式版 離線安裝包(無更新組件)64位

Google Chrome v91.0.4472.77 官方正式版 離線安裝包(無更新組件)32位

Google Chrome v91.0.4472.77 官方正式版 離線安裝包(含更新組件)64位

Google Chrome v91.0.4472.77 官方正式版 離線安裝包(含更新組件)32位

Google Chrome 官方正式版 離線安裝包(含更新組件)新版及歷史版本 提取碼:36oz

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